Check WHOIS data how it suits you with our products | WhoisXML API

Our WHOIS data is well-parsed and normalized for any domain name, IP address, or email account

We provide a variety of WHOIS data consumption models, including APIs, lookup tools, and direct access to our 21.0B+ historical WHOIS records via database downloads.

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Our WHOIS product line includes:

  • WHOIS Database Download

    WHOIS Database Download

    Gain access to comprehensive and reliable domain ownership and registration data.

    Explore Database Download


    Easily integrate our WHOIS API into existing security platforms, workflows, and other tools to retrieve domain ownership and registration data points.

    Explore API
  • WHOIS Lookup

    WHOIS Lookup

    Retrieve all registration information from a domain's or an IP address's corresponding WHOIS records in seconds via our GUI.

    Explore Lookup
  • WHOIS Search

    WHOIS Search

    Perform and deepen WHOIS searches with our Domain Research Suite (DRS) platform’s smart interface and pivoting features.

    Explore Suite
  • Bulk WHOIS API

    Bulk WHOIS API

    Obtain parsed domain WHOIS ownership information for a large list of domains or IP addresses with a single query.

    Explore Bulk API
  • Bulk WHOIS Lookup

    Bulk WHOIS Lookup

    Get the registration details of up to 500,000 domains in one go via our GUI.

    Explore Bulk Lookup

What is WHOIS?

Despite the capital letters in “WHOIS”, it is not an acronym. Yet as the name suggests, a WHOIS record tells you all about a domain name’s registrant. Each WHOIS record gives pertinent details about the domain, including its age, registration status (creation, last update, and expiration dates), registrar, and owner. It allows users to obtain a domain owner’s contact details for reasons that include cyber investigation, market research, domain purchase, competitor monitoring, and more.

Our WHOIS record data is:

  • Exhaustive

    Our WHOIS database contains more than a billion records spanning domains and subdomains scattered across 7,596+ gTLDs, ccTLDs and ccSLDs.

  • Well-formatted for compatibility

    We parse and normalize all of our WHOIS data so it can be used as is or quickly integrated into a variety of internal systems.

  • Easy to work

    We provide query results in convenient formats across all of our products. API outputs are available in XML and JSON, database downloads in CSV and MySQL, and lookup reports are hosted using a custom URL and are shareable.

  • Readily accessible

    Near real-time data gathering means instantaneous access to accurate information, enabling better decision-making. Our WHOIS information is updated daily.

Practical usage

Cybercrime Analysis

Enable your digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) and other cybersecurity teams to collate domain ownership information to enhance their solutions and find ties, if any, to ongoing malicious campaigns.

Fraud Prevention

Allow payment processors to look out for customer information discrepancies in WHOIS records to potentially catch fraudsters. Protect online shop owners from risks related to identity theft.

Attack Surface Management

Carefully screen domains based on their WHOIS records to keep your potential attack surface to a minimum. Ward off domains that don’t belong to legitimate companies from your network as early as the discovery stage.

Third-Party Monitoring

Make sure you are talking only to the authorized representatives of any third party you’re planning to do business with by scrutinizing their WHOIS record details.

Brand Protection

Simplify investigations by obtaining domain ownership information to spot signs of potential cybersquatting. Arm your brand protection agents with WHOIS data so they can pinpoint potential instances of trademark infringement.

Business and Competitor Monitoring

Be the first to obtain a potentially high-demand domain name by keeping track of all registration changes. Domains that changed hands could clue you into what your competitors are up to as well.

WHOIS Search Overview | WhoisXML API

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