7 Ways Domainers Can Benefit from Bulk Domain Checking

The Internet real estate market is growing at an unprecedented rate and so is the demand for premium domains. That’s a good thing for domainers though, which also means there is a need to be creative and efficient in securing the most sought after domains to invest in. There are different tools that can help with this purpose, but a Bulk WHOIS API, in particular, can turn out invaluable to streamline domain bulk searches.
Why Should Domainers Use Bulk WHOIS API?
Solutions like Bulk WHOIS API provide domainers with vital domain ownership details in the least amount of time. With it, they can quickly obtain several domains’ registration and expiration dates, owner details, and other relevant information at once.
And since it comes in the form of an API, it can be integrated into an existing application, so the results are automatically added for later retrieval and use.
Practical Uses of Bulk WHOIS API for Domainers
WHOIS data is crucial for domain investors, but only when it is relevant. Here are some possible uses of bulk domain data for domainers:
1. Domain Registrant Identification
In some cases, domainers can’t afford to wait for the registrations of domains of interest to expire before they make their move. And they don’t generally have the time to look at domains one by one.
Bulk domain checking aided by Bulk WHOIS API allows them to quickly identify the owners of multiple domains they want to buy at the same time. Notably, it streamlines the process since domains owned by the same person can be pooled together in a single purchase offer. That lessens the amount of time spent on sending offer letters and negotiations.
2. Domain Registration Expiration Monitoring
Some domain investors buy expired domains because these are easier to sell, especially to companies looking for aged domains to host their websites on. It is commonly agreed that older domains figure more dominantly in web search results.
Domainers rely on WHOIS records to know when domains of their interest will expire. But imagine how many individual searches they need to run if they’re interested in purchasing 1,000 domains. With Bulk WHOIS API’s help, they can run a single search for these domains with one query, saving them the time and effort.
3. Spotting Domain Registration Trends
Bulk WHOIS API’s data is updated regularly, ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of its results. And so, domainers can use it to keep track of even the most recently registered domains. They can check the new domains’ top-level domain (TLD) extensions, for instance, to see which are worth investing into according to trends. With the help of the solution, competitors won’t be able to leave them behind.
4. Conducting Domain Expiration Audits
Like typical domain owners, domainers also need to keep track of all their assets’ expiration dates. That, after all, could mean money down the drain should they lose rights to domains just because their registration expired. Bulk domain checking is useful for users who don’t have that much time but still need to keep a keen eye out on several domains.
5. Tracking Down Domain Duplicates
More cybersecurity-savvy companies know that one way of mitigating risks brought on by cybersquatting is to register copycats of their official domains at the very least across several TLDs. That said, buying the same domain name with different TLD extensions may be a good idea for domainers looking to do business with larger enterprises.
Once a list of all domain name variants is on hand, a domain bulk search can give their owners’ contact details, and negotiations can start.
6. Performing Extensive Background Checks
While ensuring the security of domains put up for sale is not always a common domaining practice, it could be an excellent value addition as selling only reputable domains could be a domainer’s differentiator.
After obtaining a bunch of domains they’d like to buy with Bulk WHOIS API, domainers can run each through a quick Domain Reputation API check. That can ensure that each domain is reputable and hence easy to sell to companies who’d be happy with the assurance that their purchase won’t put their brand at risk.
7. Performing Weakness Checks
Some domainers exert effort to increase the authority of the domains in their portfolios. But to maximize returns, they need to ensure that traffic hijackers are not dipping into their profits.
With a list of domain names coming from Bulk WHOIS API, they can run a Threat Intelligence Platform query on each of them. That should reveal misconfigurations and other issues that may prevent visitors from landing on the domains they are priming for premium sale.
The domaining industry is becoming increasingly competitive by the day. Thus, domainers must be creative in improving their offerings with value additions and differentiators. They may therefore need a domain bulk search program like Bulk WHOIS API to streamline processes and beat their competitors to the punch.