Bulk Whois API User Guide (old) | Documentation | Bulk WHOIS API | WhoisXML API

Bulk Whois API User Guide (old)

Bulk Whois API provides Whois records for a list of Domains/IPs via a single REST API query. It is designed for server-to-server communication between your system and the WhoisXmlApi.com network using standard HTTP or HTTPS protocols. Query responses are delivered in either XML or JSON format based on your requests which are made via POST methods.

To get started you need an account with WhoisXmlApi.com. Authentication is required each time in order to use the API. The first 500 Bulk Whois API calls are complimentary when you register for a free account.

Making a Call to Bulk Whois API Web Service

POST https://www.whoisxmlapi.com/BulkWhoisLookup/bulkServices/bulkWhois

Provide the JSON-encoded parameters in the request's body, setting the Content-Type header to application/json. Server response will contain the requestId field which you'll need to retrieve the requested WHOIS records.

Sample JSON response

  "domains": [
  "username": "your_username",
  "password": "********",
  "outputFormat": "JSON"

Input parameters


Required. An array of domains for which WHOIS data is requested


Required. Your account username


Required. Your account password.

Make sure it is URL-encoded if it contains special characters (&, %, * etc.).


Response output format.

Acceptable values: JSON | XML

Default: XML

Sample output

  "noDataAvailable": false,
  "message": "OK",
  "messageCode": 200,
  "requestId": "ece0f949-c22a-4ecc-..."

Getting Whois Records

POST https://www.whoisxmlapi.com/BulkWhoisLookup/bulkServices/getRecords

Since processing all the input domains may take some time, you'll have to repeatedly query this resource until the returned recordsLeft field value is 0.

Set the maxRecords input parameter to 1 if you don't need to monitor each record's progress.

Otherwise, each element of the whoisRecords array contains the whoisRecordStatus field:

  • 0 - processed;
  • 1/2 - incomplete / missing data;
  • 3 - processing.

Sample JSON request

  "requestId": "ece0f949-c22a-4ecc-...",
  "maxRecords": 1,
  "username": "your_username",
  "password": "********",
  "startIndex": 1,
  "outputFormat": "JSON"

Input parameters


Required. Your account username


Required. Your account password.

Make sure it is URL-encoded if it contains special characters (&, %, * etc.).


Required. String.

Bulk request identifier.


Required. Number.

Maximum amount of WHOIS records to be returned.


Optional. Number.

The first WHOIS record to be returned by the server.

Acceptable values: 1+

Default: 1


Optional. Response output format.

Acceptable values: JSON | XML

Default: XML

Result CSV Download

POST https://www.whoisxmlapi.com/BulkWhoisLookup/bulkServices/download

Sample JSON request

  "requestId": "ece0f949-c22a-4ecc-...",
  "username": "your_username",
  "password": "********",
  "searchType": "all"

Input parameters


Required. Your account username


Required. Your account password.

Make sure it is URL-encoded if it contains special characters (&, %, * etc.).


Required. String.

Bulk request identifier.


Optional. String.

noError lets you filter out records with processing errors, no data etc.

Acceptable values: all | noError

Default: all

Retrieving the List of your Requests

POST https://www.whoisxmlapi.com/BulkWhoisLookup/bulkServices/getUserRequests

Sample JSON request

  "noDataAvailable": false,
  "userRequests": [
      "requestId": "f1008d3e-7774-495b-...",
      "time": 1498282373092,
      "status": "Completed",
      "totalRecords": 4,
      "fetchedRecords": 0

Input parameters


Required. Your account username


Required. Your account password.

Make sure it is URL-encoded if it contains special characters (&, %, * etc.).


Optional. Response output format.

Acceptable values: JSON | XML

Default: XML

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