CSV output structure | Specifications | WHOIS Database Download | WhoisXML API

CSV output structure


Field Type Description
domainName string Domain name
registrarName string Registrar name
contactEmail string Contact email. Typically, same as registrant email
whoisServer string WHOIS server
nameServers string Name servers
createdDate string The date the domain name was first registered/created in raw format
updatedDate string The date the WHOIS data were updated in raw format
expiresDate string The date the domain name will expire in raw format
standardRegCreatedDate string The "created" date in the standard format (YYYY-mm-dd), e.g. 2012-02-01
standardRegUpdatedDate string The "updated" date in the standard format (YYYY-mm-dd), e.g. 2012-02-01
standardRegExpiresDate string The "expires" date in the standard format (YYYY-mm-dd), e.g. 2012-02-01
status string The domain name status code. (See https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/epp-status-codes-2014-06-16-en)
Audit_auditUpdatedDate string The timestamp when the WHOIS record is collected in the standardFormat (YYYY-mm-dd), e.g. 2012-02-01
registrant_email string Registrant email
registrant_name string Registrant name
registrant_organization string Registrant organization
registrant_street1 string Registrant street
registrant_street2 string Registrant street
registrant_street3 string Registrant street
registrant_street4 string Registrant street
registrant_city string Registrant city
registrant_state string Registrants state
registrant_postalCode string Registrant postal code
registrant_country string Registrant country
registrant_fax number Registrant fax
registrant_faxExt number Registrant fax extension
registrant_telephone number Registrant telephone
registrant_telephoneExt number Registrant telephone extension
administrativeContact_* string Fields which contain administrative contact information. The structure is the same as for the "registrantContact" field.


In addition to the “simple” fields, it contains extra fields describing the billing contact, technical contact, and zone contact.

Field Type Description
registrarIANAID number Registrar ID assigned by ICANN
registrant_rawText string The slice of the corresponding raw WHOIS record containing the registrant's contact data
administrativeContact_rawText string The slice of the corresponding raw WHOIS record containing the administrative contact data
billingContact_* - The fields which contain billing contact information. The structure is the same as for the "registrantContact" field.
technicalContact_* - The fields which contain technical contact information. The structure is the same as for the "registrantContact" field.
zoneContact_* - The fields which contain zone contact information. The structure is the same as for the "registrantContact" field.


In addition to the "regular" fields, it contains extra fields with raw texts from the WHOIS registry and the WHOIS registrar.

Field Type Description
RegistryData_rawText string The raw WHOIS record from the WHOIS registry
WhoisRecord_rawText string The raw WHOIS record from the WHOIS registrar